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Polyurethane Wheels vs Rubber Wheels: Which is Better?

Polyurethane Wheels vs Rubber Wheels: Which is Better?

Jun. 17, 2021

Polyurethane Wheels vs Rubber Wheels: Which is Better?

When you think of wheels, the rubber may be one of the first things you think of, and for a good reason. For nearly a century, rubber compounds have been used in almost all car wheels.

Many people don't often think of wheels, except for car wheels. In fact, the types of wheels are much more diverse than those provided by cars, and the requirements for these wheels are equally broad. It covers some everyday applications, from the wheels of your office chair to the wheels on a stewardess beverage cart.

In terms of materials, polyurethane has risen to the top as an indispensable choice for various wheel applications.

Why use polyurethane wheels?

Harsh and diverse environment

For some time, steel and rubber have been two common materials for wheel construction. Why repair something that is not damaged, right? Because this polyurethane has had an uphill battle when it comes to proving itself as a usable material for wheel applications.

The amazing oil resistance and chemicals of this material quickly made polyurethane wheels a clear choice in production. The mining sector uses polyurethane wheels in harsh industrial environments because they will not degrade in the corrosive environments typical of mines in the past.

Extensive customization

As a molded part, the polyurethane wheel can take an unlimited number of shapes and sizes and can be perfectly designed to suit any application. The large casters made of hard polyurethane can support extreme loads and also roll quieter steel equivalents.

Polyurethane wheels have been used in sports for many years and appear in much modern fitness equipment, such as weightlifting machines and elliptical machines. In the past three decades, rollerblades and skateboard wheels have almost been made of polyurethane.

Each of these applications needs to provide a special contour for the shape of the wheel and is uniquely developed to meet each specific application as much as possible. Soft compounds can be used to increase grip and shock absorption performance.

These materials can be produced in almost any color, making them a highly customized option compared to alternative materials.

Polyurethane outlasts rubber

The superior chemical resistance of polyurethanes means they can stand out in applications where rubber quickly fails. The environment may contain harsh chemicals that can degrade rubber. For these operations, polyurethane is essential.

The diversity of materials allows rigid polyurethane wheels to replace traditional metal wheels, which is good for areas where metal pollution is harmful. The paper and food industries have seen huge benefits by pursuing the implementation of polymer wheel solutions.

If you are interested in reducing downtime and increasing the reliability of your project, consider using polyurethane wheels vs rubber wheels. They are a clearer choice than rubber!

We are skateboard wheel suppliers. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in our products.

Polyurethane Wheel

Polyurethane Wheel


